Motivational Hunger

From motivational videos to music and even articles. Nowadays we are lacking motivation and we are searching everywhere to find it. The problem is , it’s never enough. Motivation is a fuel , a fuel that gives us the ability to do things. It gives us the ability to work , to think , to invent and create , it gives us strength to live.

With internet being the easy path to feed our motivational hunger , i will use the following simple yet meaningful example.

We saw a video with a guy working out and we start to work out in our mind , dreaming ourselves becoming the guy that we saw in the video or even surpass him. Because that’s what the motivation is all about , not just starting something but becoming better and better every day. Yet , the problem is , we are so hungry for motivation that we forget why we are motivated in the first place.

But why we want that fuel so often now days?

Motivation used to be a fuel that would give us enough strength to start something and finish it , to remind us why we are doing what we are doing. Now is all about starting something , that we tend to never finish. We saw a video that motivated us to start writing an article , but after five minutes we lost the motivation and we want more. Spending more time to search for motivation but never finishing the task that we got motivated for.

Special music for motivation , tons of motivational speeches in Youtube , Samsung and Nike commercials about motivation , articles with motivating stories. And i am still sitting in my coach doing nothing. I am thinking of doing it and when I stop , I just go and watch or listen more motivational speeches.

Motivation is good up to the point that is not. We made motivation a drug , a drug that we can not stop taking. It used to be a medicine something that we took between our breaks. Writing an article or shooting a video and when something went south we would seek motivation to keep going , to get us back to our feet.

Now motivation is all about starting things , keep doing what we started and becoming that guy that motivated us in the first place. With the only problem that we never start or we will start out of excitement but we will stop the next day , cause excitement can last only so long.

We need to start doing things , because we want to , because we like doing them. Not because we are envious that someone can do it and become famous or because we are so competitive that we want to exceed everyone in everything.

Motivation must become our medicine , not our drug. It must be the fuel that will keep us getting back up when things don’t go our way , to keep going , keep trying to become better , not the guy in the video.

At the end of the day , it’s all about you and yourself.

The first step is always the hard one , we are looking at the end of the road and as a result instead of watching the next step , we watch how many more steps we have.

If you want to write an article don’t think how many words you have to write , start writing. If you want to start working out don’t think how many months it will take you to become the guy in the photo , start working out. And if along the way you forgot why you do it or you lose motivation , look back at the empty paper that you filled with words , look at your body in day one and how it is now. That’s the only motivation that you need , that we need.


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