At least once in your life, you have said it. “I am a failure”. We have all said it, everyone for a different reason. Maybe you got fired or you are messed up at a decision you took. No matter why, the thing is that you have said it.
There was that one moment in your life that you believed every single word. I-AM-A- FAILURE. You believed it, you felt it, you acted like one.
However, you might have said it only once, they are others that are saying the exact same words every day, every time they see their selfs at the mirror, before they go to sleep, when they are about to make a decision.
Of course, you believe it and you say it every day. How couldn’t you?
No matter what you do in your life, you will never be like the guys that you read on the internet and see at magazines. “He became a millionaire and he started from his garage”, “She dropped out of University to start her own company”. Zuckerberg, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Min Liang all those big influencers have a background story that you will love to throw at your parents face so they will stop telling you what to do.
Although their stories are a great motivation for some, for others it’s a reminder. They look at their life and they compare it to the eighteen years old genius hacker that managed to make hundreds of dollars in one day. And they wonder what they did wrong with their lives, why is he at that age financially covered when they where still studying and now searching for a job.
The thing is, everyone is different and you don’t need a “cool” background story or to copy someone in order to be successful. If you really want to do something, start by actually doing it. If someone tells you can’t or you will not be able to make a living out of it, prove them wrong.
Of course, that doesn’t mean that you don’t need to make a living, so don’t drop everything just yet. Work at your project at your “free time”, stay up till late and work on what you love, plan your every move and eventually you will be able to do the transition that you so much desired all this time.
You are not a failure, no-one is, don’t act like one!
Live your own life, with your choices and don’t regret anything. You are successful!